Monday, July 16, 2007

let's get it started

After another thoughtful weekend of packing my stuff, thinking out my future, watching several episodes of Sex and the City and having two big tomato salads with cheese and Greek yogurt and wild berries’ ice-cream (3% fat only!) I suddenly become inspired to start writing marketing plan report for one of asignaturas in my Spanish MBA.

Several hours of squeezing my way through papers Mauricio printed out for me (this guy has his brains tuned perfectly for music industry!), I’ve got the first impression of this report to be. The bees-thoughts found their way to bee-hive.

The report is about analyzing current situation for record labels faced the challenge from digital music distribution – all the talks about DRM (digital rights management), Steve Jobs and iPods. Reading through Sean Carton’s “will the Digital Music Industry Survive” I again got the mental itching for professional weblogs. From September great time starts for me – 4 months of electives in iMBA. Good food for brains.

To have a right mood for making report on music industry challenge, I decided to play one of the playlists Mauricio gave me. Since all my stuff is packed and moved to my friend’s apartment, the only available was in my computer’s music directory. Ironically, the one I wanted to listen – Cicada – was protected with DRM and I didn’t get the legal copy yet. So, now I’m with Hot Chips and their album “The Warning” (ripped from CD, by the way) thinking out the industry’s situation.

The only negative consequence of the making report (not counting spending my time and decision on making another weblog) is that now I terribly want iPod. Networking externalities are working. And I’m not involved in the network. Yet.

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