Sunday, November 11, 2007

tools vs aims

People sometimes get lost between understanding the aim itself and the tool. The tool is just something that can get you to the aim, not the tool defines the aim, but vice versa.

Recently I subscribed to a rss from making presentation community in russian. I can see the trend of copying those fancy styles from western presentatios - pictures with a shortslogan on the slide. To be hones, I still prefer to have presentation only forthe sake of illustration of my words. Or sometimes when I don't have a time to get ready or don't have passion to tell people - this is the case when I put some schemes in PPT.

What I can also see, that some of consulting companies just buy techniques and then copy-paste slides from other presentation. Because nobody is going to pay you for several drops of essence, they need oceans of information, spreadsheets, fancy tools.

I really want to find a place where I can distill and deliver - I really love this formula from my entrepreneurship professor Julio de Castro. Cause the tools is not that really matters, it is how good you can use them. Or even the result of using them.

Anyway, while people buy tools but not the results, this marketwill exist. And of course it is easier to just copy and paste. Forget about reputation, they only tend to speak about it.

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